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Dosbarth Port Eynon

Croeso i'r Dosbarth 





Mrs C Williams - Class Teacher

Mrs A Williams - Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Year 1 Class, Dosbarth Port Eynon!


Welcome to year 1, I hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for a busy year ahead!!


I am Mrs C Williams the class teacher and along side me in class we have Mrs A Williams (yes it does get confusing!). If you have any questions feel free to ask one of us.


I will be updating this page throughout the year to show what we have been up to. Don't forget to sign up to the class Dojo page/app where I will also send pictures of your child's work during the week. The app also allows you to send any messages or concerns you have to myself too.


Thanks for your continued support,


Mrs Williams

2023 - 2024


Class teacher - Mrs C Williams

Class TA - Mrs A Williams

Dydd Gลตyl Dewi Hapus
Today we celebrated St David's Day with our school Eisteddfod this morning. We learnt the Welsh song, Jac a do and also learnt the folk dance to do along with it. We performed these to the rest of the school. In class over the last few weeks we've been making our own artwork based on local artist, Jon Upton. The 3 winners were: Jack 3rd place, Nicolas 2nd place & Layla 1st place. Layla also went on to win the overall art award for foundation phase and was presented the Gaynor Harris shield.



Later in the afternoon we tried some different Welsh foods. The children had to score the food but not only on taste but also on looks. We tried Welsh cakes, Bara Brith, Leeks & Welsh cheese. Children also made and decorated their own Welsh cakes with Mrs Welsh earlier in the week.
We have had a fantastic day celebrating St David.


World Book Day 2024 ๐Ÿ“š

We've had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day in school today. It started with a whole school assembly with author Helen Docherty. After the assembly we were lucky enough to meet her properly in class where she read us one of her books, 'Someone Just Like You'. Throughout the day we did activities based on the book, the children designed their own front cover for the story on paper plates and we also looked at the similarities & differences of us all in class ๐Ÿ˜Š.





2022 - 2023


Class Teacher - Mrs C Williams

Class TA - Mrs A Williams

2021 - 2022



Class teacher - Mrs Williams

Teach assistant - Miss Ewa

Forest School - Mrs Welsh

2020 - 2021


Mrs Williams - Class Teacher

Miss Rees - Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Year 1 Class!


Welcome to year 1, I hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for  a busy term ahead!!


I am Mrs Williams the class teacher and along side me in class we have Miss Rees and Mrs Evans and Mrs Layland. If you have any questions feel free to ask one of us.


I will be updating this page throughout the year to show what we have been up to. Don't forget to sign up to the class Dojo app where I will also send pictures of your child's work during the week. The app also allows you to send any messages or concerns you have to myself too.


Thanks for your continued support,


Mrs Williams 
