The Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme describes a health promoting school as one which 'actively promotes, protects and embeds the physical, mental and social health and well being of its community through positive action'.
In Blaenymaes Primary School we are a Rights Respecting School which places the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child at the heart of all we do. When you visit us you will see the Rights Respecting articles all around you. When you scroll through our Twitter page @BYM_Primary you will see that the learning experiences for the pupils have wellbeing, rights, and healthy aspects running through them.
We are proud to have achieved a National Quality Award for Healthy Schools, our Silver Eco Flag and Gold Rights Respecting Award.
Below you will see some links useful to supporting our Healthy Schools ethos.
RSE is a mandatory requirement in the Curriculum for Wales for all learners from age 3 to 16. This means that all learners must receive this education.
RSE is a positive and protective part of the Curriculum for Wales . It plays a central role in supporting learners to enjoy fulfilling, healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives.
Please see the videos below to find out more information about RSE in school.
School Nursing Service
Children from Reception to Year 6 are offered a Flu Vaccine via a nasal spray every year. You will be sent a link to complete an online form to give your consent and information about your child. It is really important that you complete this online form even if you do not want to give consent.
We provide confidential support, information and guidance to individuals, families and professionals throughout the UK. Our support team is available to respond to calls, Live Chat or email from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).
Telephone: 0800 02 888 40
Live Chat: via our website
If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.