Miss. Hanton
Miss. Marshall
Miss. Wemyss
Mrs. Rees
Miss. williams
Our Home School Learning, week beginning 14th December 2020.
A simple playdough recipe to make snowmen:
1 cup of salt
2 cups of flour
1 cup of water
A tablespoon of vegetable oil
You may not need the whole cup of water, add it in slowly until it reaches the right consistency.
Welcome to Nursery Class!
We hope our new starters settle well and enjoy Nursery and that you have all enjoyed your holidays. We will be learning a new letter each week and activities throughout Nursery will include this letter. We learn through play and this will involve messy play and lots of opportunities to explore, please provide your children with old clothing. Children will be provided with a storybook on Friday to read at home over the weekend and return it on Monday please. In Nursery we have Miss Hanton (Nursery Manager), Mrs Comley. Miss Wemyss, Miss Clee, Miss Workman and Mrs Rees. If you have any questions please feel free to speak to a member of staff.