Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
15th July 2021
This week you are all superstars Year 5/6!
We are at the end of another school year, which again has been a strange and at times difficult year. I'm so proud of each and every one of you, for working hard at home during lockdown, returning to school, settling back into routines and for working hard all year!
Good Luck to the Year 6 pupils moving on to a new adventure!
Have a great summer everyone!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
2nd July 2021
Our superstar this week is Ashton. Ashton has shown he is a good team worker, and has supported his friends during the University sports sessions, encouraging his friends to complete the circuit! As always, Ashton has impressed me in maths again this week!
Well done Ashton!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
25th June 2021
Willow is our superstar this week. Willow has taken part in a book club and interviewed the author of the book in a Q&A session. Her confidence is growing and she is always gives 100% in all her lessons.
Well done Willow!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
18th June 2021
Kesha is your superstar of the week! Kesha is hard working and has been practising her reading in any spare time, which has helped her in all areas of the curriculum. Kesha has also shown kindness to her friends this week and helped them in Maths.
Well done Kesha!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
11th June 2021
Jakub is our superstar this week. Jakub has worked extremely hard this week in all lessons. He enjoyed the WW2 virtual workshop and joined in class discussion on Empathy day. Jakub has shown kindness to his friends and has also helped tidy up the classroom.
Well done Jakub!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
27th May 2021
Our superstar this week is Brianna. Brianna has worked extremely hard this week writing a letter as an evacuee linked to our topic this term. She has also shown kindness to her friends and has helped around the classroom this week.
Well done Brianna!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
21st May 2021
Our superstar this week is Summer! Summer has worked super hard in maths this week, using her timetables to help her solve division calculations with remainders! She has also given 100% to all her other work including, letter writing, soldier art work, cooking and weighing rationed foods. Summer always comes into school with a smile! Well done Summer!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
14th May 2021
This week we had two Superstars because I couldn't choose between them! Kacie and Megan are excellent role models, are hard working, polite and helpful young ladies. This week, not only have the girls completed some fantastic work, including letter writing as an evacuee, soldier art and division problems in maths but also re arranged and tidied the class book corner which was in a bit of a mess!
Thank you girls! Well done!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
7th May 2021
Our Superstar this week is Mckenzie! Mckenzie has worked super hard in maths this week, using his multiplication facts to work out answers in our division tasks. He has also had a positive attitude to all lessons and played nicely with his classmates on the yard.
Well done Mckenzie!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
30th April 2021
Our Superstar this week is Elissia! She has had a positive attitude towards all her work this week, has shown a great interest in WW2 evacuation, including working with her group to create an evacuee suitcase and using different sources to collect information. Elissia has also helped her friends in maths this week.
Well done Elissia!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
23rd April 2021
Lacey is our Superstar this week! Lacey gives 100% to every piece of work and takes pride in her work! This week, she produced a fact file on spitfires as part of her independent task and has also worked hard in maths to learn a new multiplication strategy.
Well done Lacey!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
16th April 2021
Our Superstar this week is Alfie! Alfie has shown great interest in our topic for this term and has been researching in his own time to find new facts! Alfie has also impressed me with his multiplication this week in our maths sessions!
Well done Alfie!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
11th December 2020
Our Superstar this week and the last one of 2020 is Marley. Marley shows kindness to all his classmates, he had worked hard in all lessons and has a lovely sense of humour!
Well done Marley!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
4th December 2020
Our Superstar this week is Dylan. Dylan has worked extremely hard this week, he has shown a positive attitude in all curriculum areas and has persevered even when some things were a little tricky.
Well done Dylan, keep up the hard work!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
27th November 2020
Our Superstar this week is Alfie. Alfie has worked on his strategies this week and made the right choices. He was also nominated for Superstar by Mrs Welsh for his fantastic tornado sculpture in Forest Schools!
Well done Alfie!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
20th November 2020
This week's Superstar is Nicola. She gives 100% to all her work in class, shows kindness to her friends and is a fantastic role model for others. Well done Nicola!
Superstar of the week
Seren yr wythnos
13th November 2020
Our first superstar in Y5/6S is Maccie. Maccie has settled in fabulously to our new class! She has shown kindness to her peers, is extremely helpful in the class and has been working hard in all our lessons.
Well done Maccie!