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The Enchanted Woodlands

This term we have watched our tiny caterpillars grow into beautiful butterflies.

We learnt that our butterflies were called "Painted Lady Butterflies"

We looked after our butterflies until they were strong enough to take off on their next adventures. we were sad to see them go. 

Butterfly Release

Sbarc: Fore Safety with Caitlin

Sorting Leaves


We sorted leaves and flowers found in our school grounds. We even remembered some of the names for the trees and flowers. 

Sorting Leaves and Flowers

We used an app called 'Picture this' to learn names of some of the trees and flowers we have in our school. It was really interesting learning about the trees. We noticed that there are lots of different shaped leaves. We thought the 'Japenese Cherry Blossom' was very pretty and it was our favourite. 

Learning names of trees and flowers

We have been learning a story using Pie Corbett actions called 'Bertie and the Dragonfly.'

We used puppets to retell the story in our own woods. We really enjoyed our time outside. 

Bertie and the Dragonfly - Storytelling in our woods

Sharing - division

Purple Awareness Day - Raising awareness of epilepsy

Reading a map of our school to find microhabitats in our school grounds

Making crowns using natural materials from the woods

Our new topic is called "The Enchanted Woodlands."

We visited Penllergare Woods to explore a woodlands area. We made clay faces on the trees and gave them names and thought about stories they could involve them. 
