Teacher - Mr Carpenter
Teaching assistant - Miss R Lewis
Forest school - Mrs Welsh Wednesdays
Meet our team
Teacher - Mr Carpenter
Teacher assistant - Miss M Thomas
Forest school - Mrs Welsh
Our summer topic is Burps, Bottoms and Bile, we are excited to explore.
We followed a recipe that was created in the Tudor times. The cakes were delicious!
We raised awareness for NSPCC by the whole school taking part in number activities, from outdoor learning, DCF skills and competitions.
We are starting the 2023 with a brand new topic 'Castles, Knights and Dragons'. In class we have brainstormed all the types of things we want to learn about.
If you have any ideas to contribute please let us know through Class dojo.
We had a great time at Pembroke Castle. We learnt lots of new facts about Henry VII, his birth place and the Tudors. We are really excited to see where our learning will take us this term.
Class Teacher - Mr Carpenter
Teaching Assistant - Miss Thomas
Forrest Schools - Mrs Welsh
23.05.22 - Community Gardening and Trip to UWTSD Carmarthen Campus!
World Book Day 2020
Trip to Llancaiach Fawr - 26/02/20
We went on a trip to see what life was like in the Tudor times. We had a fantastic visit and enjoyed learning all about the Tudors!
RSPB Visit - 9/4/19
We had a lovely visit from the RSPB Team. They helped us find the different types of habitats we have in the school grounds!
Cae Tan Pizza Project - 22/3/19
Year 3C enjoyed our introduction to the Cae Tan Pizza Project this morning. We are looking forward to growing our own ingredients, to make our own pizzas! Diolch Jessie!
100% Attendance - 15.3.19
100% attendance by Blwyddyn 3C this week, a fantastic achievement! We’ve had some lovely prizes from Mr Dennis and Mrs Spencer! Diolch yn fawr!
Tree planting at Mynydd Newydd
Year 3C were asked to plant some new trees at the playing fields last Friday. We all enjoyed the activity and had fun in the sun! Hopefully, many of our trees will grow strong and tall and the lady told us they should be substantial in 6-7 years time. Da iawn Year 3!
Internet Safety Day
Year 3C learned about how to stay safe on the internet and looked at the 'Digital Footprint' we make when being online. We thought about all of the different games, apps and programmes that we use as a class. Then, discussed how to make sure we are safe when using them.