Seren yr Wythnos
13th May 2022
Our superstar this week is Maccie! Miss Bacon nominated Maccie for superstar this week for trying really hard with her maths and not giving up!
Well done Maccie!
Seren yr Wythnos
6th May 2022
Our superstar this week is Leila! This week Leila has worked extremely hard in our dance sessions, followed choreography and started to think of her own movements and ideas to contribute to the final dance piece.
Da iawn Leila!
Seren yr Wythnos
25th March 2022
Our superstar this week is Summer! Summer is a fantastic role model to younger pupils in school. She works extremely hard in all lessons and is always kind and helpful.
Well done Summer!
Seren yr Wythnos
18th March 2022
Our superstar this week is Mason. Mason has worked very hard this week in maths and hasn't given up when he found things tricky.
Well done Mason!
Seren yr Wythnos
11th March 2022
Our superstar this week is Kian. Kian has worked hard in class, trying new things and not giving up. He enjoyed creating an animation with his partner based of the story 'The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors'
Well done Kian!
Seren yr Wythnos
4th March 2022
Our superstar this week is Thomas!
Our superstar this week is Thomas. Thomas really impressed myself and Miss Thomas with his comic book and animation that he created based on our World Book day story!
Well done!
Seren yr Wythnos
11th February 2022
Our superstar this week is Dylan!
Dylan has worked very hard this week on his legend about the Red Dragon of Wales. He has included descriptive language and an exciting problem.
Well done Dylan!
Seren yr Wythnos
28th January 2022
Our superstar this week is Amira!
Amira has worked extremely hard this week on her spell poem with Miss Thomas and has been an excellent role model to all her classmates.
Well done Amira!
Seren yr Wythnos
21st January 2022
Our superstar this week is Brianna! Brianna has worked extremely hard this week on her magical poem, and showed kindness to her friends by helping them to think if rhyming words, similes and personification!
Well done Brianna!
Seren yr Wythnos
14th January 2022
Our first superstar of 2022 is Kesha. Kesha is a quiet member of the class, who works extremely hard in every lesson. She's a good friends and has shown kindness this week to her classmates and staff.
Well done Kesha!
Seren yr Wythnos
17th December 2021
Our Superstar this week is Dylan! Dylan has really enjoyed our Christmas activities this week and concentrated really hard in our Ukuele sessions! Dylan has been polite and worked well with his friends in class all week.
Well done Dylan!
Seren yr Wythnos
10th December 2021
Our Superstar this week is Elissia! Elissia has worked extremely hard in maths this week, she has shown perseverance and has helped her friends to solve mathematical problems. She has also shown how responsible she can be through her role on the yard with the younger pupils.
Well done Elissia!
Seren yr Wythnos
3rd December 2021
Our Superstar this week is Natalia. Natalia shows kindness to all her class mates, she is very helpful in the classroom and works extremely hard in all lessons.
Well done Natalia!
Seren yr Wythnos
26th November 2021
Our Superstar this week is Dominik! Dominik has really impressed us in class this week! He has been working independently in maths to use the new subtraction strategies and has also worked really hard with Miss Thomas in our topic sessions this week, learning about camera angles.
Well done Dominik!
Seren yr Wythnos
19th November 2021
Our Superstar this week is Keegan! Keegan works super hard in all lessons and is a very good role model to his peers in class and around the school. As part of his Ambassador role, he has been working with the young pupils on the playground and organises fruit snack time in class.
Well done Keegan!
Seren yr Wythnos
12th November 2021
Our Superstar this week is Dylan! Dylan has had a fantastic week and has shone in our Maths sessions. He has been using new strategies to solve addition strategies and also working super hard is our mission sessions, choosing an activity and working independently!
Well done Dylan!
Seren yr Wythnos
5th November 2021
Our Superstar this week is Charlie! Charlie is working super hard in class and helping his friends when they are finding some of the tasks tricky. This week Charlie has been playing well on the yard and the dinner staff have said how polite and helpful he has been. I'm very proud of you Charlie! Keep it up!
Well done!
Seren yr Wythnos
21st October 2021
Our Superstar this week is Leila! Leila is a helpful young lady and always tries her best in every lesson! She has also attended school council meetings this week and given her opinions about things we can do to improve our school and worked on the action plan ready for our next Eco Green Flag! Leila always has a smile and makes her friends and teachers smile!
Well done Leila!
Seren yr Wythnos
15th October 2021
This week we have two Superstars! Maccie and Dylan have worked extremely hard this week, preparing for our special day! On Wednesday, they greeted very important visitors including the Lord Lieutenant, who visited on behalf of Her Majesty, to present us the Queen's green canopy tree. All the visitors said that Maccie and Dylan were polite, helpful and a credit to our school!
Well done!
Seren yr Wythnos
8th October 2021
Our Superstar this week is Summer! Summer has worked extremely hard this week and has impressed me with how well she has completed her independent task this week. She is also a good friend to her peers and is a good role model to younger pupils in the school.
Well done Summer!
Seren yr Wythnos
1st October 2021
Our Superstar this week is Mia! Mia is a polite and hard working member of the class, she takes pride in her presentation and is beginning to gain more confidence to contribute in class discussions. Mia has also achieved purple Rhodri points this week for her fantastic maths.
Well done Mia!
Seren yr Wythnos
24th September 2021
Our Superstar this week is Amira! Amira has settled well into the new term and has been working very hard. She has shown kindness to her friends and enjoys working together with other pupils in the class. Amira always gives 100% in class!
Well done Amira!
Seren yr Wythnos
16th September 2021
Our Superstar this week is Mckenzie! Mckenzie has started his final year in Blaenymaes with a positive attitude and has been working super hard! Mckenzie showed great team work skills during our survival day when shelter building with his group, and has written a wonderful poem about himself linked to our wellbeing book!
Well done Mckenzie!
Seren yr Wythnos
10th September 2021
Our first superstar of the year is Noah! Noah has settled well into the class and has worked very hard this week. He has impressed me with his answers to questions about the story 'After the fall' and has taken his time with his art work this week to represent his feelings.
Well done Noah!