WE Day at Wembley
What a fabulous day we had! On March 6th, Year 6 along with Mr Dennis, Mrs Smith and Miss Bacon, travelled to Wembley for an inspiring day at WE Day! The pupils earned their tickets to the event for their work on the 'WE won't rest' campaign! Some of the pupils have written their own song to raise awareness for homelessness, this was shared with WEschools, who awarded the pupils with tickets to the event. We saw artists such as Tom Walker, Liam Payne, Jack and Jack and Pixie Lott! Also heard inspirational stories from young people who are actively making a change and of course, saw Prince Harry!!
An amazing experience!
Well done Year 6 for all your hard work!
Y6 Borfa Residential 2019
20th February - 22nd February
Year 6 had a wonderful time at Borfa house. The weather was beautiful and we all challenged ourselves and conquered our fears! On day one, we walked to the woods and made our own camp fire to toast marshmallows, then made shelters and had the waterproof test (some were more waterproof than others )
On day two, we went rock climbing and abseiling and rock hopping / caving. When rock hopping we discovered some rock pools! These were lots of fun!
On day three, we had an orienteering challenge in the sand dunes, then spent some free time playing games and burying each other in the sand!
It was a fantastic 3 days!!
Interviews at The Wave Studios!
As part of our WEschools project #wewontrest, Year 6 were invited to 'The Wave' studios by drive time host Jamie Pritchard. Jamie is currently raising awareness of Homelessness and taking part in the Cold Truth campaign, which involves a sleep out at the Liberty Stadium on Wednesday 20th February.
We loved speaking to Jamie about our mission to raise awareness of homelessness in Swansea and Wales. Mia spoke on our behalf about why we feel so passionately about this issue. The girls then performed their song live in the studio and made a recorded a short sponsor message, to tell all the listeners that they can see our work at Wyevale Garden Centre Swansea and donate money for our chosen charity 'SYSHP'.
Jamie has asked us to keep him updated on our other plans later this year!
Thank You to Wyevale Garden Centre Swansea and Jamie @The Wave for helping us spread our message.
To hear our interview and sponsor message please follow the link:
To find out more about the charity we are supporting follow the link:
If you would like to donate, either donate in our collection bucket in the school office or at Wyevale Garden Centre Swansea :
Welsh Pedal Power Disco
On Wednesday 13th February, we were very lucky to have Ynni Da in school. Year 3 and 4 had a workshop in the morning, listening to Welsh music artists and choosing their favourite music for the whole school to enjoy in the afternoon disco. This disco, wasn't your usual disco, we had to pedal bicycles which were linked to the speakers and lights. We had to pedal to have power for the disco.
Year 6 joined with Miss Bacon's class (Y1/2) to help them with the pedalling.
Miss Bacon, Mrs G, Mrs Smith and Miss Barnes also helped
#selfie #Ynnida #proudtobewelsh
Swansea City Football Club
Christmas Party
The pupils had a fantastic time at the Swans Party. Thank you Mrs Williams and Mr Thomas for staying with us at the party.
WE schools
9th November 2018
Tom, from WE schools, visited today and led a whole school assembly about how we can help to change the future! After assembly, year 6 spent the day playing games with Tom and making important decisions. We discuss the rights of the child and learnt how the WE day charity was started by a little boy called Craig.
One morning over breakfast, 12-year-old Craig Kielburger was flipping through the newspaper looking for the comics when he was stopped short by a story: Iqbal Masih, a 12-year-old former child slave in Pakistan, had been murdered because he spoke up for human rights. Craig was 12. Iqbal was 12. In that moment, he was struck by a single and profound connection – except for the happenstance of birth, he could have been Iqbal – and he needed to do something. But what? He was only one person, and a boy at that. What possible difference could he make in the lives of child slaves a world away? What was needed: a collective voice. So Craig convinced a handful of Grade 7 classmates that together they could make an impact, and WE Charity was born.
Twenty years later, WE Charity is an international charity committed to delivering a sustainable development model that empowers people to transform themselves, their families, their communities and the world.
As part of our workshop we made an action plan and decided that we want to help make a change. The topic we chose was homelessness. Some pupils are planning to write a song to raise awareness of homelessness and raise money for local homelessness charities. We are also planning to arrange a football tournament to raise money for the charities in the Spring Term!
Theatr Na Nog
The White Feather
On Tuesday 16th October, we visited Swansea Museum and the Waterfront Museum for a workshops about WW1. We learnt how and why WW1 started and about the lives of the soldiers from Wales. In the museum we had the chance to explore the replica trench, we all decided we wouldn't have liked to be a soldier in the War. There were lots of activities to complete including spelling our names in morse code, a word hunt and we loved dressing up in WW1 clothes. Some of us decided to dress up as nurses and others as soldiers. In the Waterfront Museum, we met Sgt Watson, he showed us the weapons of war and we were able to hold a real WW1 rifle! There were boxes that we could smell to understand what the soldiers would have smelt in the trenches, they were not pleasant!!
After lunch, we walked to the Dylan Thomas theatre, and watched the Theatr Na Nog performance of ' The White Feather'. The production was about a Welsh family and the oldest boy Rhys was sent to war but he didn't like fighting and came home early. His Dad was very disappointed with him and he was given a white feather, this is to label him as a coward. His younger brother Davy, then lied about his age and joined the army. He thought it would be fun but soon realised it was a horrible experience. When helping his injured friend escape the trench he was killed by a German soldier. At the end of the show, we were able to speak to the actors and actress to ask questions.
It was a fantastic day and we are going to use some of the things we learnt as inspiration for our poetry next week.
The War Years
Year 6 are thoroughly enjoying our War topic. We started by ordering events as a class and creating a timeline. We have also researched and collected information about why WW1 and WW2 started.
In Literacy, we have been learning about evacuation. We have read letters sent by children during WW2, and listened to a real life evacuee speak about her experience. Some children were lucky enough to have nice, welcoming host families. Unfortunately, some didn't have good experiences. We have gone back in time to imagine we are evacuee and are currently writing letters home. Keep checking our class page, and follow twitter to see our completed work soon!!
As part of our topic, we are also watching Carrie's War, a film about a young girl who was evacuated to Wales from London with her younger brother. We can wait to watch the next instalment!
First Aid Training
On Friday 21st September, Year 6 had a first aid session. St John's Ambulance services came to our school and taught us how to save someones life. We learnt how to put someone in the recovery position, CPR and how to help someone who is choking.
PC Craig
It's Your Choice
PC Craig spoke to Year 6 about peer pressure. We discussed legal, illegal drugs and medicines. We asked lots of questions and learnt that if our peers ask us to do something we feel is wrong, to say NO!
Attendance Winners!
What at fabulous way to start the year! We won the attendance award and our reward was to be the first class on the new playground equipment. Mrs Smith, Mrs G and Mr Dennis all had a turn!