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Blast Off!

How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers I Read Aloud

To buy the book: visit Oliver Jeffer's official website:https://www.oliverjeffers.comHow to Catch as Star is Oliver Jeffers's f...



We designed our own rockets... then using plastic bottles we made rockets to launch.


Heavier than, lighter than and balanced!

Making rockets using boxes


Baby Bear went to the moon on his adventure. We have been exploring what the moon looks is like and how do we see it. 

We learnt how craters are made by dropping pebbles into flour. 

We also learnt how we see the moon. 


We have been like Baby Bear ...

Whatever Next by Jill Murphy

whatevernext #jillmurphy #storytimeRead aloud - Whatever Next? By Jill Murphy

Two of our very own astronauts....

We looked at information about a real life astronaut, Tim Peake. We watched what it was like for an astronaut in space. We have been asking lots of questions and using the internet to find the answers. In one of Tim Peake's videos it showed us how astronauts went to the toilet... we thought it was really funny. 

How to use the loo

Astronauts get asked this question most: how do you use the toilet in space?ESA astronaut Tim Peake explains all in this video recorded during his six-month ...

On the shoulders of giants

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" is the famous quote by renowned scientist Sir Isaac Newton. This is particularly apt a...

Exploring the challenges set in the busy zone

🕵️‍♀️ Being detectives 🕵️‍♂️

Unusual Sightings seen at BYMP

Camera 1 Recording

Still image for this video

Camera 2 Recording

Still image for this video

Spring Term Blast Off Planning
