Star of the Week - 11.12.20
Julia is the class superstar this week! She has enjoyed learning about data handling in maths and demonstrated that she can record data in tally charts and bar graphs independently. Great start to life in the juniors, keep it up Julia!
Star of the Week - 4.12.20
This week's superstar is Tegan! She always tries her best and is a kind, friendly and helpful member of the class. She has made friends with some of the new Year 3's in class and is always willing to offer support to those who may need it. Great start to life in Year 4 Tegan, well done!
Star of the Week - 27.11.20
Kiera is this week's superstar! She has worked extremely hard on her shape poetry over the last couple of weeks and demonstrated that she takes great care with his presentation. She had settled into life in Year 3 superbly and is a joy to have in class. Da iawn Kiera!
Star of the Week - 20.11.20
Kurtis is the first Y3/4T superstar of the week! He has settled into life in the juniors extremely well and has enjoyed working on his maths over the last couple of weeks. He has impressed me with his determination to improve his addition using numicon. Great job Kurtis!