Our whole class earned star of the week because they were absolutely fantastic setting into ther first few days in full time school! We are super prod of them!
Skye was our star of the week today. Not only has she been working hard writing her name and doing some incredible drawings, she has also been very kind and considerate. Da iawn Skye!
Tamira was chosen as star of the week for being really kind and supporting other children who may need help to make friends. A very thoughtful little girl! Bendegedig!
Idris was star of the week because he was a healthy and confident individual during PE. He could listen to the instructions and tried his best to move correctly. Gwaith da Idris!
Jack was star of the week by being enterprising and creative. He spent time planning and trying different
blocks to make a ramp for his car.
Lacey was super star for being healthy and confident. She was naming all the fruits in her fruit salad and knew she had to eat 5 a day to be healthy. Fantastic!
AA was enterprising and confident this week when they used their skills to create a house out of recycled materials. They thought hard about the design and what materials to use. Bendegedig!
Ashton was our superstar this week for being ambitious and capable, using "Ga i" to ask for his lunch, "Diolch" to say thank you and joining in with our Welsh singing. Fantastic!
NS was our superstar this week for being enterprising and creative. We watched a film about animals getting stick on a bridge because neither would let the other go past, so NS then made a circular bridge telling us all the animals can go around it. Great thinking skills!
Ruby was our Superstar this week for being enterprising and creative drawing what she thought the Troll would look like on the ipad. Gwaith da!
Igor was our Superstar this week for being ambitious and capable using his Welsh in class. Bendegedig!
Ava was chosen this week for being ambitious and capable using Puppetpals to retell the story of the Little
Red Hen.
Jakub was our Superstar this week for being ambitious and capable. We are learning how to sign "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" using Makaton and he has been joining in with enthusiasm to learn it.
Tamira was our Superstar this week for having the most improved attendance. Keep up the good work!
Oscar-Rhys was our superstar for being a healthy and confident individual who show kindness and respoect to others all the time. Fantastic!
Mazin was our Superstar this week. When leanring maths he has been ambitious and capable to keep trying even when he found it difficult. Gwaith da!
Jaycee was our superstar this week for being enterpiring and creative. Miss Bacon gave us a special Rights challenge to create a poster for Article 2 - All Children have Rights - Jaycee did a fantastic poster! Da iawn!
Layla-Rose was chosen as our Superstar this week for being healthy and confident, being kind and helpful to her friends. Keep being a lovely friend Layla!
Bonnie was chosen as an ethical and informed superstar this week. She showed lots of interest in how to look after the animals during our local trip to Swansea Community Farm. Da Iawn!
Scarlett was chosen as Superstar this week for being an ambitious and capable learner, always working hard
and trying her best. Keep up the good work Scarlett!
Tommy was chosen as Superstar this week for being healthy and confident following instructions and doing
good listening on our trip to Llanlelli Wetlands Centre. Amazing work Tommy!
Mason was chosen as our superstar this week for being ambitious and capable with his maths skills. We have been exploring 3D shapes and he was able to remember and use the names of some familiar 3D shapes. Bendegedig!
Sophia was chosen as our superstar for being healthy and confident. She is always considerate of others being kind and helpful. What a fabulous friend! Da iawn!
Idris was our ambitious and capable superstar this week. He has been working really hard with his reading and writing. Bendegedig!
Oscar was our superstar for being ambitious and capable learning how to add two numbers to make 10. Keep up the good work! Gwaith da!
Lacey was our healthy and confident superstar this week. She has become more confident and happy coming into school with a big smile on her face this week and we are so proud of her! Fantastic job Lacey!
Carson was chosen for our superstar this week. He has been healthy and confident by trying really hard to do his best listening and focusing on his learning. Bendegedig Carson!
AA was our superstar this week for being ambitious and capable, challenging herself with her maths. She confidently ordered numbers to 20 and then went on to order numbers up to 100 on the ipad! Wow! Gwaith da!
Jack was an ambitious and capable superstar this week. He is challenging himself with his reading and building on his skills, which means he has moved up a stage with his reading books. Bendegedig! Keep up the good work Jack.
Jakub was chosen as our superstar this week for being enterprising and creative. He loves to spend lots of time drawing, creating and making models. This week he was also seen sharing his skills of making paper aeroplanes with his friends! Great teamwork! Da iawn Jakub.
Bonnie was chosen as Superstar this week for being healthy and confident when doing her work. She never gives up even when she finds things difficult and she doesn't worry when she makes a mistake. Gwaith da Bonnie!
Idris was our superstar this week for being an ethically informed citizen during Empathy Day. He was able to understand what empathy means and could talk about times when he had shown empathy to others.
NS was our superstar this week for showing us he is healthy and confident. He was so shy when he started in Reception - Now he has grown in confidence to talk and share ideas with his friends and adults. We are so proud of you!
Ava was our healthy and confident superstar today. She was kind and considerate to others when she shared her sand toys on our trip to Mumbles. Bendegedig Ava! What a good friend you are!
Mason was our healthy and confident superstar this week. He is always so helpful around the classroom and is the best at tidying up! Keep up the good work Mason.
Harley-Ray is our superstar this week for being ambitious and capable and never giving up when he finds things difficult. He was very proud of himself for keeping on trying! Fantastic Harley-Ray!