Star of the Week - 17.03.23
Natalia is our superstar this week! I have been impressed with her ambitious attitude in maths, where she showed fantastic understanding of the long multiplication method. Da iawn Natalia, this is well deserved!
Star of the Week - 10.03.23
Shania is our class superstar this week! I was blown away this week with her creative writing and ICT skills. Her task was to create and write about a dragon linked to our World Book Day book 'Tell Me a Dragon' and then record herself presenting her fantastic writing, which she did to great effect!
Star of the Week - 03.03.23
Caleb is the Dosbarth Llangennith superstar this week! He has demonstrated a fantastic attitude to learning this week and has especially been impressive with his sensible and independent manner. Great job, Caleb!
Star of the Week - 17.02.23
Chanel is once again our superstar this week! She has impressed both myself and Ms. Davies this week with her ambitious and determined attitude. Well done Chanel!
Star of the Week - 10.02.23
Our class superstar this week is Skyla! She was extremely determined in our Dylan Thomas led rugby session this week and has worked hard in all lessons. An excellent week Skyla, da iawn!
Star of the Week - 03.02.23
Phoebe is our superstar this week! She has worked hard on her multiplication skills over the last two weeks and did really well with her number factors this week, showing great ambition to complete all of her tasks. Well done, Phoebe!
Star of the Week - 27.01.23
Our superstar this week is Chanel! She loved learning about famous Welsh celebrities and where they came from in Wales. She demonstrated fantastic geographical knowledge to locate Welsh towns and cities in order to complete her task. Da iawn, Chanel!
Star of the Week - 20.01.23
Levente is our superstar this week! Since returning from the Christmas holidays, he has worked his socks off in every lesson! He especially enjoyed creating electrical circuits in science. It was like having an electrician in class! Well done, Levente.
Star of the Week - 13.01.23
Our superstar this week is Mia! Mia always tries her best in every lesson and is a credit to the class! This week she enjoyed working with a partner to problem solve in Science. Well done, Mia!
Star of the Week - 16.12.22
Leila is the superstar this week! So far this year she hasn't missed a single day of school which is fantastic! Keep it up Leila!
Star of the Week - 09.12.22
Our superstar this week is Diamond! He has worked brilliantly on his instructions in literacy, explaining how to create a moving Victorian toy. Da iawn, Diamond!
Star of the Week - 02.12.22
Our superstar this week is Dylan! He has worked his socks off to complete his independent missions this week, showing great focus and determination when given the opportunity to work on these tasks. Well done, Dylan!
Star of the Week - 25.11.22
Leila is our class superstar this week! She has been focussed on all of her tasks and enjoyed acting in her role as our school's Head Girl when she visited the Waterfront Museum for a number of workshops to celebrate Universal Children's Day.
Star of the Week - 18.11.22
Our class superstar this week is Shayden! I have been really impressed with his determined attitude this week. He has enjoyed using a Chromebook to type up his work and did really well researching facts about Thomas Edison linked to our current class topic.
Star of the Week - 11.11.22
What an impressive attitude to learning you have shown this week, Caitlyn! You have returned from the half term holiday with a determination to work hard and complete tasks to the best of your ability. You have particularly enjoyed working on your addition using a number line and numicon to support your learning. Well done, keep it up!
Star of the Week - 28.10.22
Our superstar this week is Jayden! He has been working incredibly hard on his addition this week, using a number line to help him work out his sums. When finished, he even wanted more sums to practice. Da iawn, Jayden!
Star of the Week - 21.10.22
Charlie is our superstar this week! He has been an enterprising and creative learner this week by being confident and independent enough to take risks with the organisation of his work. He has especially worked hard on his presentation and writing. Well done, Charlie!
Star of the Week - 14.10.22
Our superstar this week is Kiera! She has been an ambitious and capable learner recently when trying to develop her understanding of exchanging numbers when using column addition in maths. Well done for working so hard, Kiera!
Star of the Week - 07.10.22
The class superstar this week is C-Jay! He has worked brilliantly on his column addition using partitioning this week and has impressed with his hard working and focussed attitude. Great job, C-Jay!
Star of the Week - 30.09.22
This week's superstar is Skyla! She has impressed me with her determined attitude to her work and a desire to help members of staff at all times. She loved our trip to the Dylan Thomas theatre and Waterfront museum and was full of questions for the Victorian teacher! Great job, Skyla!
Star of the Week - 23.09.22
Caleb is our superstar this week! He has worked extremely hard in every lesson so far this year and is a joy to have in class with his kind and sensible attitude. Well done, Caleb!
Star of the Week - 16.09.22
Natalia is our superstar this week! She has worked hard on her understanding of numbers in place value and is starting to become more confident when reading and writing numbers up to 6-digits. Well done, Natalia!
Star of the Week - 09.09.22
Our first superstar this year is Shania! She has worked extremely hard in her first week and listened well in all lessons. She has definitely started life as a Year 5 pupil brilliantly, da iawn Shania!