Meet our team
Teacher - Mrs Arnold - Monday - Wednesday
Teacher - Mr Staples - Thursday - Friday
TA - Miss Thomas
Happy Friday everyone!
Well done Horton Class for winning the attendance cup last week! Thanks to everyone at home for getting the pupils in!
In terms of our learning, we have been working hard at our number bonds up to 100 as well as looking at the key features of a piece of text! We linked this to our stargazing topic by reading an astronaut's recipe for a chosen dish!
Have a good weekend all and see you next week!
Team Horton
Happy Friday!
What a great week covering word problems in Maths and bossy verbs via instructions in Literacy!
Please remember no school on Monday as it's an Inset Day!
Also remember to dress in red or green or general Welsh clothing for 'Shwmae Day' on Tuesday!
Best wishes
Team Horton
Well done Horton class, another week done!
We have continued our Mathematical journey by exploring rounding up to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand!
In Literacy we have been discussing and explaining the strengths and weaknesses of selected astronauts for their mission to Mars!
Thank you everyone for your continued support and see you Monday!
Best Wishes
Team Horton
Well done Azariah! Wonderful work this week and helpful around the class as well!
Meet our team
Mrs Arnold (Monday - Wednesday)
Miss Bacon (Wednesday - Friday)
Teacher assistant - Miss R Lewis
To celebrate March 1st we enjoyed taking part in our Eisteddfod. We competed in the art competition, handwriting and story. We all went on the stage to do our poem Ble wyt ti'n byw.
Our Eisteddfod art winners for their interpretations of Chris Hull's work a North Welsh artist.
Our Eisteddfod story winners in the style of Lady in the Lake
Our Eisteddfod handwriting winners
What a fantastic start to our topic 'Wonderful Wales'. We had a great day at Swansea Museum learning all about the Romans and Celts. We learnt loads of new things and are looking forward to using all our knowledge to write our reports for Swansea Museum.
This week we have been part of a whole phase animation rich task. We began the week designing and making our plasticine woodland models, and creating our backgrounds. Later in the week we using the animation app and I movie to create our short movies. We used music and voice overs to add extra detail.
At the start of September, dosbarth Horton a Poll du, entered the young writers competition to show off their creativity.The fabulous children below were winners and have received certificates. All their work will be published in a book in the New Year! We can't wait to receive it.
Da iawn boys and girls the worlds your oyster!
* 50 things of Blaenymaes *
We have had a great start to film fortnight, starting with the Literacy Shed 'The Windmill Farmer'. We have listened to the music and drawn our interpretations from just listening to the music from the film, made predictions, discussed characters and settings and what we think will happen next. We are looking forward to next week making our own short film using 'I can animate app'.
We also had a special treat to watch Trolls in the cinema with the whole school, we did our own welsh film reviews when we got back. It was a 10/10 from us!!
For spooky day, Mrs Lecrass set each class a competition to carve a pumpkin, the best pumpkin was going to get a reward. We voted as a class that we wanted to continue with our topic theme - 'woodlands'.
We enjoyed a lovely morning at Penllergare woods. We learnt about different habitats and went on a scavanger hunt.
To celebrate 10 year of Shwmae, we had lots of fun entering competitions, making welsh words outdoors and drawing along with Rhys Pardan on youtube. We are pretty much experts now..
Watch the youtube video we followed to try it yourself.
We wore Jeans to school today to raise money for children who's genes are different to ours. We listened to lots of different stories and discussed how we are similar and different to all of our friends.
Our Team!
Class teachers
Mrs Arnold (Monday to Wednesday)
Miss Bacon (Wednesday to Friday)
Teaching Assistant
Miss Rees and Miss Marshall
Forest School - Mrs Welsh
Welcome to our class page! This page will be updated regularly for you to celebrate all your childrens work with you. If you want to contact us you can do through our class dojo page.
Wagamama Trip
We were so excited to attend Wagamama to learn about healthy foods and drinks. We became chefs for the morning and learnt lots of interesting things. We even made our own smoothies and yaki soba noodles.
We enjoyed celebrating the Kings Coronation on Wednesday, with lots of royal themed activities. We enjoyed making crowns for our royal disco, making pizza crowns and planning royal banquets. We were joined by the Lord Lieutenant who told us about the coronation. We were amazed.
Class assembly
We performed our class assembly to the juniors and all our parents. After the assembly we enjoyed feeding back to the parents about our work. We talked about the 50 things of Blaenymaes and the Four Purposes. We celebrated our work and enjoyed our afternoon together.
We have been so lucky to be selected for the young readers project. We chose books and have made predictions. We are looking forward to reading them and feeding back to the class.
We have also been set a competition... the best work around the book will recieve a prize for 1st and 2nd place.
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day. We made our own bookmarks, created our own paper aeroplanes with our favourite characters on and made our own book review movies.
A huge da iawn to all of Dosbarth Horton for an excellent effort in the art competition, handwriting and story.
To rase awareness for NSPCC, we took part in NSPCC's number day. We took part in lots of maths activities from outdoor games, Times Tables Rock star competitions, board games and of course our classes favourite ... BINGO!
We remembered holocaust day, by dressing up as something beginning with our name. We looked closely at article 7 and article 8.
Initially, we had received an email from some very important astronauts with a big problem. They asked if Dobarth Horton could help solve it. They were given a disgusting recipe.
Firstly we picked out all the key features for the disgusting recipe…
Next we made our own instruction map to help us imitate the recipe.
We then made our own recipe before making our instructions to send back to Astronaut Buzz and Astronaut Pete.
Later we reconstructed the instructions. This helped us remember all the important key features for our instructions to send to Astronaut Buzz and Astronaut Pete.
Lastly, we made our own instructions ready to send back to them. We hope they liked them.
Ethically informed citizens
Wow... what a treat! we were super lucky to have our wonderful Year 6 ambassadors take a FULL lesson all bout racism. Together we were able to celebrate diversity. Bonnie and Layla showed us lots of way we can ensure we are always including everyone no matter what they look like! Well done girls you smashed it and taught us lots of new things!
Healthy Confident individuals
We had so much fun in our first cricket session with Coach Sean! We can't wait for our next one.
How scary do Dosbarth Horton look?
What a great way to end the first half term in Dosbarth Horton! Extra play Woohoo!!
Our first full week back to school and Dosbarth Horton has won the golden dragon. We were allowed extra play for 15 minutes on Friday afternoon! We were so pleased and the sun even made an appearance.
September Newsletter 2022
Welcome back
Teacher - Miss Bacon
Teaching assistant - Miss Lewis
Forest school - Mrs Welsh
Today in Year 2 we have enjoyed listening about Charlie and the Chocolate factory. We designed our own golden tickets to take us to where ever we liked, some chose Disney land, Spain, the park, mumbles and lots more...
Then we designed our own biscuits for our own factory, we had to use our imagination and thing carefully about how they would look and what we would need.
Lastly we enjoyed eating our biscuits whilst watching the Real Dahls classic.
We have spent our first few days back in school learning all about Wales, in the run up to St Davids Day. We tasted lots of different welsh food, made our own welsh cakes, drew work in the style of Chris Neale and sang welsh songs.
We wore spots and raised lots!
We had a lovely day celebrating children in need! we made out very own pudsey pictures, pudsey biscuits and teddy bear just dance. Our class raised almost £20. Well done all!
This weeks focus has been the fabulous story by Giles Andreae.
We have looked closely at the story and done lots of activities around the book. We made story chains using pictures and key words to help us retell the story.
Year 2 2019- 2020
During World book day, we read the slightly annoying elephant by David Walliams. We used apple clips to review the story. We had so much fun experimenting with different effects, emojis, texts and videos. Look below to see our fantastic reviews...
We have had a superb topic, learning all about music in the different era and our favourite bands. We were all split in to three different groups, we changed the lyrics, came up with a band name and then we made a dance video using lots of different apps.
We have been looking forward to this trip before we even started the topic. We had the most incredible time at the wave recording our amazing songs. Jamie was so impressed with us, he even gave us some tips. We had a radio tour and showed Jamie our persuaive posters.
Every Thursday, we meet with Charlie and our fabulous parent volunteers for our road safety walks around Blaenymaes.
Wow what an amazing effort for our Christmas Concert! Every single child gave a hundred percent throughout practices and on the day. I couldn't be more proud... what fantastic memories!!! Blaenya bus rocks!
We also had tweets, retweets and likes from the real Venga Boys!!!
WOW!! what a huge effort we had for Children in Need! we raised over £140 pound and the whole school enjoyed taking part in Joe Wicks HITT workout for children in need! Watch out Friday night we may get a shout out :-)
To kick start film fortnight, the whole school went to the cinema to watch 'Smallfoot'. Over the next two weeks we will be writing film reviews, changing the ending, discussions around the feelings of the characters and lots of work around stereotypes.
We had a fabulous first trip in Year 2, at the theatre watching The Scarecrows' wedding. Every single child was excellently behaved and an absolute pleasure. We really enjoyed the Julia Donaldson performance and looking forward to writing about it when we get back to school.
Over the last week, the whole class have enjoyed getting extra muddy with Mrs Welsh. We have enjoyed learning outdoors and coming back to class and presenting to the class all the fun we had. I was so amazed at the children's confidence. At the beginning of the week I had a few children who were slightly nervous and a bit apprehensive about getting muddy and being out of their comfort zones. However, when coming back to class the children were so excited to tell everyone what they had got up to .. and not to mention giving me big muddy cuddles. Thank you Mrs Welsh, we can't wait till next time!!
I hope you have all had a fantastic summer holidays! I am looking forward to hearing all about what your children have got up to. Please click on the link to view the news letter, if you have any questions don't hesitate to catch me on the door.
Miss Bacon
Diolch yn fawr Year 1/2 for an absolutely fantastic year! We have made amazing memories that I will treasure forever. My lovely year 2's I wish you all the luck heading in to year 3 and my year 1's I look forward to another year with you. Have an awesome break and I will see you in September.
Miss Bacon, Miss Barnes and Miss Rees
What an amazing Sports day, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it was amazing to have such a fantastic turnout. Hope you had as much fun as we did!
Blaenymaes Boscar winner this week is Shania Macdonald!
Shania has received the award after being nominated by several teachers for her excellent story telling, enthusiasm of reading and fantastic knowledge of Pirates. Shania makes us smile every single day and is working incredibly hard. Keep it up Shania Da Iawn!!!!
We had a fantastic trip at Pontardawe Arts Centre watching 'The girl with the incredibly long hair'. It was lovely to sit on pillows and watch the performance right in front of us. Our Cairo even made a world record.
A big welcome back after a busy term where we covered tons of exciting things such as Animal encounters, World Book Day, St David’s Day, Easter bonnet, Pets at home visit, Autism Awareness, CBeebies Rhyme time, Class assembly and much more! We have lots going on over the next half term with our brand new topic Land Ahoy. The topic has a design technology focus and teaches children about the properties of different materials. We will also be exploring different countries and places around the world starting with the very best.... Blaenymaes!
What a great way to kick start our term with a fantastic trip down to Swansea Waterfront Museum exploring life as a Pirate and taking a ride on the Copper Jack. We had a superb time.
To raise awareness for Autism we all came to school in our pajamas today! We were really comfy!!
A massive Well done to all the children for their excellent hard work and confidence during the assembly. Everyone worked so hard remembering the actions to the story and all of their lines!
We enjoyed taking part in a week of World Book Day activities, we have been focusing on retelling the story of Spikes best nest and using actions to help us retell the story. Some children have also enjoyed participating in homework over the half term where they made their own World book day story jars.
Internet Safety Week 4.2.2019-8.2.2019
To raise awareness for internet safety week, we collaborated with the fabulous year six who helped each of us fill in a questionnaire about being safe online. They were fabulous teachers and we loved having them in class with us.
Our Colourful Science Experiment
We had a very exciting start to our afternoon with a secret mission from Rhodri. He left us a note after dinner time. He must have known we have been learning about instructions as he left us our very own instructions to follow to help us complete the experiment. We mixed food dye with water and placed white roses in 4 different cups. We have mad our own predictions about what we think will happen. We are going to observe over the next few days to see if we are correct....
Today we won the homework bear. We had the hard task to learn our 2 times tables and everyone made a massive effort and has clearly shown in their work. Da iawn blwyddyn un a dau.
Dens and Dandelions
Today we brainstormed all the types of things we want to explore in our brand new topic. We worked in partners and shared our ideas with the class.
Spring Term - Welcome Back!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your friends and families and a fantastic New Year. We can not wait to get stuck in to a very busy term. Our brand new topic is Dens and Dandelions, this topic will allow us to explore plants, animals, living and non living things and many more. We have lots of fun things in store over the upcoming weeks.
Forest school will be starting back on Friday 18th January, make sure you see the class window for which group your child is in. Please provide suitable clothing for those days.
Year 2's will begin Kerbcraft, any volunteers to help out on a Thursday morning would be greatly appreciated, please catch me on the door to let me know.
P.E will continue with every Monday and Wednesday.
Fruit money is 25p a day or £1.25 a week.
Ensure your Childs reading book is brought everyday.
Any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Miss Bacon, Miss Barnes and Miss Rees
Love Miss Bacon, Miss Barnes and Miss Rees x X x
Cantref Farm
On Thursday 20th December we went to Cantref Farm. We had the most magical time. We had such a busy schedule to follow. As soon as we arrived we had an introduction with all the elves.
Our group was allowed some time in the soft play, there were gigantic slides and lots of fun obstacles to get through. The teachers had as much fun as the children .
Next it was time for pet handling. We held and smoothed guinea pigs, ferrets, mice, a bunny and even a RAT!
After pet handling we went to Cantref's Winter Wonderland. It was absolutely beautiful! While we took turn to meet Santa there were loads we could do. We could make elve passports, reindeer food, Penguin shoot out and some more animals! There was lots of christmassy music and even snow!
When we met Santa he checked if we were on the good list or naughty list, if we were on the good he gave us a key which we had to give to the elves and we could choose any toy we wanted.
Then it was time for lunch with Mrs Williams class, Lastly we went to watch Mr Ev's Show! it was so funny... Mr Ev's was on the naughty list and we had to help him be good, but he kept stealing the elves presents and even released a real life pig and pony on the stage.
Lastly, we sang some songs and then we all had to close our eyes and shout out 'We believe in magic' then it started pouring down with snow it was amazing.
Welcome back - November 2018
After a quick break it is lovely to be back and settled excited for the term ahead. This half term our brand new topic is Stories and Tales. I am looking forward to reading mine and the children's favourite! We also have to prepare for our Christmas concert and of course get ready for the big man in red!!! With lots of exciting things planned this half term time will surely fly by and we will be in to 2019 before we know it!
This week we have explored why we celebrate Guy Fawkes Nights. We brainstormed wow words after bonfire night and used the type drawing app to make our very own firework pictures. They look awesome! Da iawn Blwyddyn un a dau.
24th October 2018
WOW what an end to our crazy first term. We celebrated with a superhero party we were lucky enough that Spider man and Wonder-woman even showed up. They were surprised with all the facts we already knew about them. We had lots of fun fortnite dancing, flossing and singing.
This term we have covered three superhero stories 'Max', 'Supertato' and 'Superworm'. We have learnt many different strategies to help us retell the story, they have enjoyed using Pie Corbett actions. They have also created their own characters, hot seating, exploring our emotions and discussed people who help us. We ended the topic with discussing our very own real life heroes. The children had some great answers and will bring a tear to your eyes!
17th October - Our Super Vegetables
We have spent a lot of time planning our super vegetables. Over the last week we have brought in our favourite vegetables to decorate. Hopefully we can stop Evil Pea this time!
Supertato - October 11th 2018
Our brand new book this week is the fabulous Supertato by Sue Hendra. We have found the story hilarious and have enjoyed numerous activities based around the book. Particularly we have enjoyed our science experiment where Evil Pea trapped the carrots in ice cubes and we had to use different materials to set them free. Evil Pea was also busy taping our vegetables to our desks!!
Superheroes - People who help us - October 5th 2018
We have spent the last few weeks learning about our very own superheroes in Blaenymaes. We have been lucky enough to have a visit from our local PCSO's and they answered lots of our tricky questions. Most importantly we got to set all the different sirens off and wear their uniforms.
Superheroes - Superworm September 2018
What a fabulous start to the year, we have spent the first week learning all about Superworm, we have enjoyed using Pie Corbett actions to help us retell the story.
Year 1 - April 2018 - The Gruffalo Class Assembly
Words can not express how proud I was of each and everyone during the class assembly 'The Gruffalo'. It was overwhelming how many conquered huge fears from getting on the stage, to speaking on stage, to singing and dancing. Da iawn Blwyddyn Un, one proud teacher.
Super, Slithery Snakes
Our terribly scary Gruffalo's
Frightfully, Kind Owls
Wonderfully, Smart Foxes.