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How Many Colours in a Rainbow

How Many Colours in a Rainbow? Topic Map

We played a weather game to help us think about what we can do in different weather's. This helped us share our ideas and ask questions about our learning this half term.

We learnt a song called "5 Little Raindrops" to help us understand 1 less.

We read a story called "The Little Raindrop" and learnt where rain comes from.

We drew the journey of the little raindrop as a story map.

We did a science experiment to see how we could make rain using shaving foam and drops.of food colouring.

We explored the noise a rain stick made.

We made our own rain sticks and decided what we liked about them and what we could do to make them better.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We explored blow painting to make rain pictures. We talked about what we like to do in the rain.

We chose instruments to represent different types of weather and then used the pictures to compose some weather music.

We followed the pictures to play our pieces.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We listened to the funny story of 'Mrs Mopples Washing Line'

We explored the wind by making ribbon sticks.

We made wind chimes that tinkle when the wind blows.
