Mason was chosen as superstar this week for being ethically informed. He always respects others and shows kindness when he is playing. Fantastic!
Tommy was ambitious and capable this week for really trying hard with his reading. He loves using pictures to tell a story and has started to use phonics to sound out simple words. Bendegedig!
Scarlett was our superstar this week for being healthy and confident, showing kindness to her friends. Gwaith da Scarlett!
Renae-Rose was an ethically informed superstar this week for always being fantastic at tidy up time and helping others to look after our learning environment. Gwaith da!
Ruby was ambitious and capable this week for always being motivated to learn and trying her best with all her learning. Such a great attitude to learning!
Ashe was ambitious and capable this week when sounding out cvc words in her reading books. Bendegedig
Aria was our superstar this week for being ambitious and capable learning her letter sounds! Da iawn!
Spencer was an ambitious and capable superstar this week. He loves storytelling and has done some lovely reading this week with Miss. Stones. Bendegedig!
Hasan was a healthy and confident superstar for becoming happier coming into school and more confident with his learning. Da iawn Hasan!
Reggie was an ethically informed superstar this week. He has been talking to teachers to help him make the right choices when playing with his friends. Bendegedig - keep up the good work Reggie!
Aliza was an ambitious and capable superstar this week. She loves sharing books and telling stories! Da iawn Aliza!
Ashe was an ambitious and capable superstar this week. She has been enthusiastic learning our letter sounds during phonics sessions and she was able to use this knowledge to sound out simple words in the caterpillar game. Adderchog!
Ashraf was our superstar this week for being ethically informed. He can be very shy but when he is playing with his friends, he is always very kind and considerate, being gentle and sharing. What a good model of a friend! Bendegedig Ashraf!
Tommy was a healthy and confident superstar this week. He has sometimes found it difficult coming into school but this week he has come into school happily with a smile. Keep up the good work Tommy!
Colby-Jay was our ambitious and capable superstar this week. He really enjoys joining in with our daily Welsh and Ffa la la songs. His Mum has said he was also saying "Diolch" to the shopkeeper when shopping!
Da Iawn Colby-Jay!
Louie-Joe was an ambitious and capable superstar this week for being so full of facts about the planets when sharing his special bag. he was confident to tell the whole class about why each planet was different. Bendegedig Louie-Joe!
RW was chosen as our ethically informed superstar this week. She is always the first to help others and is always kind and caring. She is such a good role model - well done!