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Me and My World

Baby Max arrived in our class with a letter introducing himself and asking all about us. We all got a chance to say hello and ask him questions as well as telling him something about ourselves.

The questions help us build our topic map for "Me and My World".

We read 'I Like Honey, I Don't Like Bees'. We talked about what we liked and what we didn't like.

We read 'Once There Were Giants' and thought about how we had changed since we were a baby. We talked about what babies need and looked after Baby Max and his friends.

We thought about what we would be when we grew up.

We talked about how we are all different. We painted our friends and said why they were a good friend.

We read the story of Titch who was sad because he was the smallest in his family.

We measured each other to see who was taller or smaller.

Titch sent us a challenge to sort his objects by ones that were taller than him and ones that were shorter than him

We read 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' because we wanted to learn about healthy foods. We worked in grousp to design a fruit salad and the next day we made it for our snack.

We tasted our fruit salads and decided whether we liked them or not.

We read 'Home' to understand that there are many different homes that are special to the families that live in them. We made our own homes using recycled materials and talked about why our homes are special to us.

We invited our families to come in and celebrate what we have been learning.

We used Spooky Day to learn about and explore some of our senses.
